I am describing something that actually happened to preserve the memory of this event over time: there was mud to shovel, water to be removed, damage to be repaired, confidence to be regained, hope to be rediscovered and above all, the need to overcome the sense of frustration and deception when faced with a sneaky event that you cannot in any way reckon with, modify or counteract. A strong sense of cohesion and solidarity has united us, we are country people used to fighting, “tenere il cuccio “, “tenere botta” «trying to hang on» as we all told ourselves.

Our feet were wet, our hands and arms were muddy and the mud splashes even covered our faces, with our practical sense and love for our land we suffered in silence, with watery eyes, gritted our teeth, but nothing stopped us. After three weeks we managed to get the company and production back up and running with expanses of water and closed and paralyzed companies all around us. For the next 15 months, while we were busy restoring the office space with servers and phone lines, we worked with offices located in another company in the group. We fought and we are still fighting because the wave is very long, but we succeeded: for us, for our employees, for the country, and also for our customers who have shown us so much solidarity throughout this period. A heartfelt thank you, Graziano Malpassi


ITALYX – Certified italian excellence

In July, Tecnoagri Srl obtained the prestigious “ITALYX – Certified Italian Excellence” certification from Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A. This important recognition attests to the company’s all-Italian quality in the field of “design and construction of machinery and equipment for agriculture, green maintenance and industry”.  The “ITALYX” certification, promoted by Il Sole 24 Ore in collaboration

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I am describing something that actually happened to preserve the memory of this event over time: there was mud to shovel, water to be removed, damage to be repaired, confidence to be regained, hope to be rediscovered and above all, the need to overcome the sense of frustration and deception when faced with a sneaky

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Tecnoagri at the ‘Mundolivar 2024’ Congress in Cordoba, Spain

We are pleased to announce that Tecnoagri will participate in the prestigious “Mundolivar 2024” conference to be held in Cordoba, Spain. Our company was invited by the organizers in recognition of our role as innovators in the tipper sector, in particular thanks to our MRS 3S model, for which we hold the patents of the

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